Bukkit / Spigot Plugins
Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for BankSystem 3.0.1
Description: BankSystem allows you to safely store your money in other to avoid overspending. For example this can be used for your market shops so you don't end up losing all your money if your shop have some very favorable trades.
Author(s): Twiistrz
Plugin is loaded: STARTUP
API Version: 1.13
Dependencies: Vault
Optional dependencies: PlaceholderAPI
Main class: net.twiistrz.banksystem.BankSystem
Website: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/1-8-1-13-banksystem.61580/
Version: 3.0.1
List of BankSystem 3.0.1 commands specified in plugin file, BankSystem 3.0.1 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.
/bank:Permissions for BankSystem 3.0.1 specified in plugin file, it's possible the plugin has additional undocumented permissions and bypasses for operators.