Bungeen 1.1

Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for Bungeen 1.1

Description: Bungeen
Author(s): kubotan
Main class: space.gorogoro.bungeen.Bungeen
Website: http://blog.gorogoro.space/
Version: 1.1

Bungeen 1.1 commands

List of Bungeen 1.1 commands specified in plugin file, Bungeen 1.1 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.

            §7Example: /<command> reload - Reload the configuration. §7Example: /<command> setname [server name] [value] §7 Set the display value of the first line of the signboard. §7Example: /<command> setcomment [server name] [value] §7 Set the display value of the last line of the signboard. §7Example: /<command> setprotocoltype [server name] [default|legacy] §7 default:Client version 1.7 or later legecy:Other than default §7Example: /<command> remove [server name] §7 Remove the setting of the specified server name. §7Example: /<command> addmember [server name] [playername] §7 Everyone can pass before this command is executed. §7 If more than one player is added, only those who are added can pass. §7Example: /<command> delmember [server name] [playername] §7 Delete players permitted to pass through. §7 Everyone can pass if everyone is deleted. §7Example: /<command> delallmember [server name] §7 Delete all players permitted to pass through. §7 Everyone can pass if everyone is deleted.
Download Bungeen 1.1
  • File: Bungeen_1.1.jar
  • Size: 20.22 kB
  • File published:
    2017-10-01 05:50:06
    6 years ago
  • File SHA1 hash:
  • All versions of Bungeen
    (4 available)