LockLogin 1.13.32

Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for LockLogin 1.13.32

Description: LockLogin is an advanced login plugin, one of the most secure available, with tons of features. It has a lot of customization options to not say almost everything is customizable. Regular updates and one of the bests discord supports ( according to spigotmc reviews ). LockLogin is a plugin always open to new feature requests, and bug reports. More than a plugin, a plugin you can contribute indirectly; A community plugin for the plugin community.
Author(s): KarmaDev
Plugin is loaded: STARTUP
API Version: 1.13
Dependencies: AnotherBarelyCodedKarmaPlugin
Optional dependencies: AnotherBarelyCodedKarmaPlugin, PlaceholderAPI
Main class: eu.locklogin.plugin.bukkit.Main
Website: https://karmaconfigs.ml/locklogin
Version: 1.13.32

LockLogin 1.13.32 commands

List of LockLogin 1.13.32 commands specified in plugin file, LockLogin 1.13.32 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.

            The command to manage the plugin, such as reload, or apply updates

LockLogin 1.13.32 permissions

Permissions for LockLogin 1.13.32 specified in plugin file, it's possible the plugin has additional undocumented permissions and bypasses for operators.

                        The permission required to reload only configuration file
Download LockLogin 1.13.32
  • File: LockLogin_1.13.32.jar
  • Size: 1.02 MB
  • File published:
    2022-08-13 15:08:12
    1 year ago
  • File SHA1 hash:
  • All versions of LockLogin
    (114 available)