My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1

Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1

Author(s): KamikazePlatypus, mg_1999, Friwi, bergerkiller, lenis0012, timstans, bubba1234119
Plugin is loaded before: MobArena, RegionForSale, CreativeGates, HeroStronghold
API Version: 1.13
Dependencies: BKCommonLib
Optional dependencies: Spout, Multiverse-Core
Main class:
Version: 1.16.1-v1

My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1 commands

List of My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1 commands specified in plugin file, My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.

            Commands to manage your worlds
Download My_Worlds 1.16.1-v1
  • File: My_Worlds_1.16.1-v1.jar
  • Size: 181.66 kB
  • File published:
    2020-07-26 20:38:00
    4 years ago
  • File SHA1 hash:
  • All versions of My_Worlds
    (48 available)