PlotManager 1.3.2

Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for PlotManager 1.3.2

Description: This plugin provides great control over WorldGuard regions for Plot Management. You can sell/buy, show owner information and last login (auto synchronizable), auto-delete the owner from the region if didn't log in a customizable time etc... all with colored signs and simple commands to relist the plots and change the price in real time without needing to destroy the sign and create a new one.
Author(s): Jose Manuel Gassin Perez-Traverso
Dependencies: WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Vault
Main class:
Version: 1.3.2

PlotManager 1.3.2 commands

List of PlotManager 1.3.2 commands specified in plugin file, PlotManager 1.3.2 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.


PlotManager 1.3.2 permissions

Permissions for PlotManager 1.3.2 specified in plugin file, it's possible the plugin has additional undocumented permissions and bypasses for operators.

Download PlotManager 1.3.2
  • File: PlotManager_1.3.2.jar
  • Size: 67.19 kB
  • File published:
    2013-08-06 10:11:58
    10 years ago
  • File SHA1 hash:
  • All versions of PlotManager
    (17 available)