ServerInfos plugin

ServerInfos Minecraft plugin is listed in Bukkit / Spigot Plugins category, 11 versions available.

VersionAuthor / DescriptionSizeDate
ServerInfos v1.2 BETAAhmeeetYT
6.55 kB2019-06-08 17:53:52
5 years ago
ServerInfos 1.0AhmeeetYT
5.91 kB2019-06-08 14:28:52
5 years ago
ServerInfos 1.0.0BadGamesTV
2.22 kB2015-06-19 16:33:14
9 years ago
ServerInfos R5 - BUILD69N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
19.37 kB2013-10-16 14:30:26
10 years ago
ServerInfos R4 - BUILD 40N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
28.39 kB2013-02-22 23:06:22
11 years ago
ServerInfos R4 - BUILD 39N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
26.87 kB2013-02-22 16:42:02
11 years ago
ServerInfos R3.7 - BUILD 38N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
28.12 kB2013-02-22 13:57:16
11 years ago
ServerInfos R3.3 - BUILD 30N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
24.11 kB2013-02-18 16:52:26
11 years ago
ServerInfos R3.0 - BUILD 27N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
24.03 kB2013-02-18 01:27:58
11 years ago
ServerInfos R2.4 - BUILD 26N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
6.72 kB2013-02-18 01:00:22
11 years ago
ServerInfos R1.0 - BUILD 21N/A
This plugin allows you to see all int...
6.27 kB2013-02-17 23:30:12
11 years ago