SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1

Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

Plugin information, commands, permissions and download links for SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1

Description: Store mob spawners in a "cloud gui" instead of creating laggy spawner farms
API Version: 1.13
Dependencies: Vault
Optional dependencies: HeadDatabase, Essentials, CMI, AdvancedSpawners, MineableSpawners, SilkSpawners, PlaceholderAPI
Main class: me.bestem0r.spawnercollectors.SCPlugin
Version: 1.8.1

SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1 commands

List of SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1 commands specified in plugin file, SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1 can have additional commands that are registered on fly or after enabling certain features.

            /sc <spawners/mobs/reload>

SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1 permissions

Permissions for SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1 specified in plugin file, it's possible the plugin has additional undocumented permissions and bypasses for operators.

            Use /sc reload
Download SpawnerCollectors 1.8.1
  • File: SpawnerCollectors_1.8.1.jar
  • Size: 372.73 kB
  • File published:
    2023-07-22 12:28:58
    1 year ago
  • File SHA1 hash:
  • All versions of SpawnerCollectors
    (15 available)